When it comes to insurance coverage for contractors, most people are familiar with general liability or CGL (Commercial General Liability) policies. However, there is another important policy that often goes unnoticed – Contractors Errors and Omissions (E&O) coverage. In this article, we will dive deep into what E&O coverage entails for contractors and highlight the common claims that are covered by E&O but not by a commercial general liability policy.

What is Contractors Errors and Omissions (E&O) Coverage?

Contractors Errors and Omissions (E&O) coverage is an additional part of a contractor's commercial insurance program. Unlike general liability which covers bodily injury or property damage caused to others during the course of work, E&O focuses specifically on protecting against claims arising from professional services rendered by contractors.

Common Claims Covered by E&O Insurance:

1. Failure to Deliver Promised Services:

One of the key coverages provided under an E&O policy is protection against failure to deliver promised services. This means if you fail to deliver on what was agreed upon in your contract, such as incomplete work or significant delays causing damages, resulting claims can be triggered against your business. It could be as simple as building a house without including a room specified in the plans or failing to complete the project within the agreed timeline.

2. Negligence in Providing Professional Services:

Another crucial aspect covered by E&O insurance is negligence while providing professional services. When clients seek your advice or rely on your expertise for guidance regarding their projects, any negative outcomes due to errors or omissions may lead them towards filing a claim against you. While general liability policies focus more on physical damages, negligence-related claims fall under the purview of an E&O policy.

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3. Poor Quality Workmanship:

If your work product turns out poorly done or inaccurate leading to accidents or damages, it may not be covered by a general liability policy. This includes situations such as a wall collapsing due to improper construction or any other aspect of the work that is incorrect or incomplete. E&O insurance steps in to cover such claims arising from poor quality workmanship.

4. Errors and Oversights:

Contractors are not infallible, and mistakes can happen during the course of their work. However, when these errors result in damage or financial loss for clients, they need protection beyond what general liability policies offer. E&O coverage fills this gap by covering claims resulting from errors and oversights that should have been identified during the project but were missed.

The Importance of Contractors Errors and Omissions (E&O) Coverage:

While contractors often focus on securing general liability coverage as it is more commonly known, understanding the importance of E&O coverage is crucial for comprehensive risk management. Failure to recognize its significance could leave contractors exposed to significant financial liabilities resulting from professional service-related claims.

By investing in an E&O policy tailored specifically for contractors' needs, you gain peace of mind knowing that your business is protected against potential legal battles, settlements, defense costs, and reputation damage arising from negligence or failures related to professional services rendered.


Contractors Errors and Omissions (E&O) coverage is a critical component of a contractor's commercial insurance program that provides specialized protection against risks associated with professional services rendered by contractors. It covers common claims such as failure to deliver promised services, negligence in providing professional advice/guidance leading to damages, poor quality workmanship causing accidents or losses, as well as errors and oversights made during projects.

Understanding these distinctions between general liability insurance and E&O coverage empowers contractors to make informed decisions about their risk management strategies. Whether you choose to purchase an E&O policy or not ultimately depends on your individual circumstances; however, working with an experienced insurance professional who educates and guides you through the process is invaluable.

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